Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Norbit Movie Review

Last weekend, I visited my sister Saundra for a Memorial Day celebration. Our normal time together is always fun and exciting because we tend to shop until we drop. Nevertherless, we did find the time to watch Eddie Murphy's movie Norbit. In fact, my sister insisted that the family watch it together, maybe to encourage some family bonding. Well, this is my Norbit movie review of the good, the bad and the ugly with a few suggestions of improvements.

First, I think Eddie Murphy is a talented actor and comedian. I appreciate that he is able to play so many characters in a movie and make it almost believable to his audience.

Eddie plays the main character Norbit, a dazed and confused orphan that grows up to marry a large possessive woman. Oh yes, her character is also played by Eddie Murphy. In fact, he plays a series of characters, such as the Chinese man who owned the orphan home, one of his wife's brothers and one of the senior citizens. I think it's creative to play other characters and to a younger audience this is the type of humor they want to see. However, to the adult movie viewer, I think Eddie sometimes plays with racial undertones, such as the Chinese man saying that he may want to open a dry cleaners towards the end of the movie. C'mon, why does it have to be a Dry Cleaning business? What are you trying to say? Again kids will not get the hidden messages but adults will.

Secondly, I think the movie has a great plot and subplot. The main plot is Norbit's childhood sweetheart is trying to buy the orphan home but his wife's brother's have other ideas for owning the property. The subplot is Norbit's unhappiness with his marriage and his inability to confront his wife. I think this contributes to the rising action and climax of the story. Not to mention, that it keeps you entertained throughout.

Another positive aspect of the movie is the casts. I am a big Cuba Gooding Jr. fan. So I would recommend watching the film to see him in a comedy. Cuba is a diverse actor that has tried various genres to increase his many talents.

Lastly, despite my issues with some of the undertones, I think Norbit is a fun and enjoyable movie that is great for families.

Sophie Jaclis exposes her readers to a wide range of topics, from Dating, Movie Reviews, Health and Fitness issues, Online Marketing tips, and New Affiliate Programs. Her motto is to keep things simple, informative and straight to the point. Please visit http://www.lisajac.com/dating-chat-room and http://www.lisajac.com/moviereviewsforfamilies for the latest information and free ebook downloads.

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