Monday, September 24, 2012

Top 5 Famous DNA Tests

DNA tests are not usually mainstream news on the world's media, but that isn't to say there aren't important or high profile DNA testing cases to report. In fact, over the last few decades DNA testing has played a growing role in the way we analyse the past and the way we interpret our future. Be it the determation of paternity through DNA Paternity testing or in establishing wider DNA links such as DNA forensic cases, our top 5 famous DNA tests reveal just how relevant DNA testing really is.

5. James Brown - The so-called 'Godfather of Soul' James Brown was subject to one of the most high profile DNA testing cases in recent history. The testing considered whether alleged children of the musician were in fact fathered by him, and a number of separate DNA paternity tests were processed in order to establish paternity. Of the 12 test submitted, only 2 have turned up to be positively identified as Brown's offspring - one of which is now a 45-year old woman.

4. Eddie Murphy - Modern comedy legend Eddie Murphy was involved in a high profile DNA testing case which particularly attracted the media spotlight and filled glossy column inches. His test was to establish paternity of the daughter of Melanie Brown (a.k.a. Mel B) of Spice Girls fame during a separation process. It was determined, following the collection and processing of samples from the child, mother and alleged father, that Eddie Murphy was indeed the father of his ex-partner's child.

3. Anna Nicole Smith - TV personality and model Anna Nicole Smith was thrust to the forefront of media scrutiny in her high-profile celebrity DNA testing case, where the paternity of her daughter was put to question. Initially, partner Howard K. Stern nominated himself as the likely father on national television, sparking the media storm surrounding the testing process - although DNA paternity testing methods ultimately proved ex-husband Larry Birkhead as the biological father of the child.

2. Marie Antoinette - French Queen and icon of history, Marie Antoinette was recently subject to advanced DNA sampling and testing techniques. DNA from a hair supposed to have been that of Antoinette was collected and tested with DNA obtained from the heart of King Louis XVII. Thanks to the advancement of DNA processing technologies, the samples were able to be matched to determine that a genetic link did in fact exist between the DNA samples, confirming the identity of the hair.

1. Thomas Jefferson - Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States of America, and is widely considered as one of the leading Founding Fathers of the modern constitution. However his image has been somewhat marred by allegations with origins of over 200 years that he had fathered children to his slave, Sally Hemmings. After DNA samples were recovered from relevant parties, it was determined that the alleged child Eston Hemmings did in fact share genetic material on the male side with Thomas Jefferson, although no firm conclusions were drawn as to whether that connection was with Jefferson personally.

In conclusion, it is clear to see from the above examples, the power of DNA testing and the role this has, and will continue to have, in our lives.

Kevin Camilleri writes articles for dna paternity test. Other articles written by the author related to paternity testing, home paternity test and paternity test kit can be found on the net.

1 comment:


    Birkhead WAS NOT Anna Nicole's husband. He was just one of the men who claimed to be baby's dad. Other men also claimed they fathered her daughter; Alex Denk, Frederic von Anhalt, etc. Von Anhalt also filed a paternity lawsuit in California.
